The Openers Course

Price:   $24.49

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    The Openers Course

    Watch the VIDEO CLIPS to learn one of the
    BEST KEPT SECRETS To Creating A Great OPENER!!!


    The one thing you need to master to be a great magician.

    The one thing you need to master to be able to astonish people with your magic.

    You need to be able to open.

    Doesn't matter if you're performing for one person....or a thousand people, you have to start out with something interesting and catch their attention in a magical way.

    It does not matter if you're performing a whole show of tricks, or just one trick.

    If someone asks you to SHOW THEM ONE TRICK...

    ...Then THAT'S your opener.

    ***no matter have to open***

    In this VIDEO Course I will teach you everything I know about openers that I've learned performing professionally for the past 20 years.
    The OPENERS contains 12 video chapters.
    Each chapter will describe psychology and methods behind choosing a good opener.

    Not only will I share with you some of my favorite openers and some of my closest guard material but I will do something more important than that....
    I will give you the tools so that you can design an opener that fits you.

    I create a lot of magic.
    I have been producing and releasing affects for 15 years.

    But this is different...this is something that I've been working on for over 20 years and I'm only going to share this special offer with my closest students and followers.

    It won't be offered again at this low price.
    And ONLY the devoted people who sign up for the course before December 20 get FREE EMAIL CONSULTATIONS.
    This means if you have ANY QUESTIONS at all about creating an opener or choosing an opener for your show.......all you have to do is EMAIL ME. [email protected]
    I will NOT....
    I repeat...NOT offer these special consultations to anyone after December 20th.

    The cost for the Course and FREE Consultations is onlyfor a limited time.
    On December 20th the price goes up to
    *All Twelve Video Chapters.

    *You will be given access to a SECRET page where all the video chapters are located.You can watch them on the site OR YOU can also DOWNLOAD them instantly so you can watch them at your leisure.

    *The Bonus DRIVERS LICENSE TRICK (never before published)

    * The Booklet "12 Secrets To An Effective Opener".

    * OVER TWO HOURS of VIDEO teaching you routines, tips, techniques, psychology and full blown opening routines.


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