The Catalina Wine Mixer eBook by Jack Tighe

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    The Catalina Wine Mixer eBook by Jack Tighe
     'Really enjoyed studying Jack's new notes.  A lovely collection of strong and very practical card material that you will really dig!' - John Carey.

    'Jack is a supremely talented sleight of hand artist' - Michael Vincent

    'Can I sell it?' - David Williamson

    Liam says...

    Jack is definitely the best card man you've never heard of, but that will change soon with this dynamite eBook - 'The Catalina Wine Mixer'.

    With five moves and three routines, this booklet is the perfect introduction to Jack and his work.


    All of the moves and routines fall into the 'easy to do' category, and include the following;

    'The Open Glimpse' - A superb peek of a selection in the centre of the deck.  All attitude, this will go straight into your set immediately.

    'The Pick-Up Mix' - a casual and chaotic false shuffle, easily learnt in the same time it takes to read this description.  And it retains full deck order!

    'The SG Riffle Force' -  A lovely touch on the standard riffle force.

    'The Dribble Glimpse' - I'm surprised Jack gave this one away - it's fooled everyone who has seen it (whether they admitted it or not).

    ''The Puffin Shuffle' - A very clever addition to the classic 'Hunter Shuffle' that will catch even magicians who know the original.

    'Lemon Party' - An ace assembly that's almost over before it begins.  Simple, strong and unexpected... like Jack himself.

    'Runt of the Litter' - Have four Aces picked out of the deck by the spectator!  Easier than most handlings, and fairer looking too.  Win!

    'Analogue Poker' - Three mates of a selection are plucked, one at a time, from a deck inside the card case.  A very efficient trick, with an unexpected bonus!


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