The Blank Code by Unknown Mentalist

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    EFFECT: A participant thinks of any 2-digit number. It is a completely free choice and there is no force at all. The participant then focuses on a blank business card held by the performer's assistant and merely imagines the 2-digit number in his mind on the blank card. The performer is able to 'read' and reveal the thought exactly.

    METHOD: A two-person coding system is employed which is totally invisible to the audience but can be learned in minutes by the performer and his assistant.

    FEATURES: The Blank Code is a two-person coding system that can be used for telepathy demonstrations between the performer and his assistant, friend or spouse or partner or sibling etc. Between the sender and receiver of thoughts, nothing is spoken or written down.

    The Blank Code is an invisible visual cueing system using just a single double blank business card that can be borrowed. The basic mechanics of the code are very easy to learn and can be picked up in a few minutes by the performer and his assistant.

    There are no electronics, no mnemonics, no memory systems, no secret signals using the face. And during the 'thought transmission,' no limbs are moved.

    VENUES: This coding system is so flexible that it can be performed in close-up situations, street, parlor, stage venues. The best part is that this can even be performed remotely over a virtual show or demonstration where the performer and his assistant are in different locations.

    RANGE OF EFFECTS: Using the Blank Code, any 2 digit number can be instantly coded or decoded. That is a range from 10 to 99 numbers. Any playing card can also be easily and instantly coded or decoded. That is a range of 52 playing cards. If you add other mentalism techniques like a peek or one ahead or a deck of marked playing cards etc, you can exponentially increase the range of effects that can be done.

    ROUTINES: Several routine ideas are included.

    1st edition 2022, PDF 33 pages.
    word count: 3743 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text

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