Steve Pellegrino - Sensitive Fingers

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    Sensitive Fingers is a unique routine that will showcase your skill as a mentalist or skilled card handler. But, of course, the presentation you choose is up to you.

    Effect: You remove a small envelope and set it aside. You shuffle a deck of cards and have a spectator cut off a small packet of cards, less than half of the deck. They place the card they cut to in a card box or their shirt pocket without you seeing it.

    You take the packet of cards from the spectator and again, without looking, feel the face of the card. You can tell the spectator the color of the card. You repeat this several more times, always stating the correct color. The spectator examines the cards you've revealed. They also examine your fingers.

    The routine builds from a 50/50 chance of colors to impossible revelations. You cover the cards with a handkerchief, and from under the cloth, you call the cards by suit.

    Next, after going through all of the cards the spectator cut to, you go to the card box (or the spectator's shirt pocket) and reveal the suit and value of the card.

    Finally, you remove the card from the envelope, which has been in full view from the beginning. The card matches the card the spectator freely cut to.

    Unlike many past "color-sensing" routines, Sensitive Fingers goes beyond a 50/50 red and black guessing game. Instead, it's a fantastic routine that builds and finishes with an impossible trick-that-cannot-be-explained-style prediction not found in other versions.

    1st edition 2022, PDF 15 pages.
    word count: 4595 which is equivalent to 18 standard pages of text

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