Steve Faulkner Online Magic Rope Magic. Part 1.

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    Steve Faulkner Online Magic Rope Magic. Part 1.


    Course curriculum

    1. 1. Getting Started

      1. 1. Introduction

      2. 2. Which Rope To Use

      3. 3.Preparing Your Rope

    2. 2. Single Rope Tricks

      1. 1. The Melting Knot

      2. 1.1. Melting Knot Details

      3. 1.2. Melting Knot C.U.

      4. 2. Threading The Needle

      5. 2.1 Threading The Needle C.U.

      6. 3. The One-handed Knot

      7. 3.1 The One-handed Knot C.U.

    3. 3. The Professor’s Nightmare

      1. 7. Professor’s Nightmare

      2. 7.1 Professors Nightmare Alternative Ending

      3. 7.2 Rope Preparation

      4. 7.3 Professor’s Nightmare Summary Explanation

      5. 7.4 Professor’s Nightmare Explanation C.U.

      6. 7.5 The False Count C.U.

    4. 4. The Cut And Restored Rope

      1. 1. CNR Rope Version 1

      2. 2 CNR Rope Version 2

      3. 3 CNR Rope Version 3

      4. 4 CNR Rope Explanation Summary

      5. 1.1 Version 1 C.U.

      6. 2.1 Version 2 C.U.

      7. 3.1 Version 3 C.U.


    Steve Faulkner Online Magic Rope Magic. Part 1.

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