Sam Wooding Lecture Notes 2017 by Sam (Rickard) Wooding
This PDF isn't just something you will pick up and read. This will engage and inspire, opening those creative pores to improve your performances and style!
These routines are especially for the performer on the move, so no bulky props here. Everything is easy to transport and carry on you!
One Envelope Test: An easy and direct drawing duplication where the spectator draws anything and puts it inside an envelope. The mentalist shows the front and back of the envelope and the divines the thought-of drawing.
The Mirror: Propless mentalism using Tic Tacs. Take everywhere you go.
Human: Propless mentalism with Lego bricks. The spectator thinks of a Lego block, including color, number of points on top, and a structure to build. The performer is then able to divine all three pieces of information.
Vale: Force a playing card suit or random word with no equivoque!
Complimentary: A spectator writes two completely different things on two slips of paper. The mentalist is able to divine both pieces on information.
Tight Smile: A mentalism effect using time and the spectator's phone.
Express Click: An amazing routine where a spectator thinks of a number and the mentalist is able to divine the number.
ACAASH: Any Card At Any Super Hero! A spectator thinks of a card and names a super hero. The performer spells/deals the super hero's name, and the stopped-at card is the thought-of card. For the kicker, the super hero's name is written on the back!
Deactivation: The spectator thinks of the way they take their coffee. The mentalist is able to divine how many sugars they take (if they take any), and the type of coffee they like.
Five Bonus Ideas: Tips and tricks on building and create a character, doinbg readings, constructing psychological forces, and a brand new multiple-out principle!