Renzo Grosso - Remote Close Up 7 Jam Session

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    Jam Session is a mentalism effect that can be achieved (in every situation and even on the phone, with only the audio connection) with playing cards, with ESP cards, or with tickets: this last version also allows you to develop the final revelation in cold-reading.

    The secret used in this routine is a combination of unique methods, blended for an amazing finish. It can be performed remotely, with cards borrowed from the spectator, or with tickets written "on the spot"; the mentalist does not need to see the cards in any way. While using various methods, it is easy to memorize, as it is based on simple schemes.

    The spectator chooses any 5 cards from a deck of cards and these he chooses one and scatters it among the others 4; then shuffles the cards randomly, choosing whether to use the left or right stack and then again whether to deal the cards from the right or the left. Then he will answer, with a YES or a NO, to three questions posed by the mentalist: he has, however, the right to lie or tell the truth without, of course, informing the performer of his actual behavior. In the end, the mentalist will be able to identify precisely which is the card chosen by the spectator, and also reveal if he has told the truth or if he has lied.

    3 versions are presented: one with normal playing cards, one with ESP cards, and one with written billets or tickets; the latter version - if desired - can be concluded with a cold-reading phase, which further improves the effect.

    The final phase of the effect is inspired by the principle used by Leo Boudreau in "Lie to Me", which I simplified to make it easily memorable.

    1st edition 2022, PDF 19 pages.
    word count: 2689 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text

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