Remote Close Up 3 by Renzo Grosso

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    The effect on the phone has always intrigued me: you cannot arrange the cards, nor do you see them, the deck is that of the spectator, you cannot touch it or see it. Then there is an insurmountable difficulty: you have to explain each operation in a simple, step-by-step way and, not being able to visually check, you are forced to prepare, in the presentation, control "stakes"; all this, however, provided that your description is perfect and, at the same time, flawless, without danger of misunderstanding.

    And then there is the "revelation" mode: it can only be presented as an effect of mentalism, and even so, it is still not easy to choose "how".

    In the last two years I have collected more than 100 effects: many "old" from a few centuries, others more recent; some known by many colleagues, others less known, others new; I have tried, for each one, a context, an original, new story, just to add something of my own to a precious and ready-made work, indeed: I have tried, where possible, to use the principle, to expand it, to associate it with others, but always with humility and respect for the original creators.

    In this ebook you will find:

    THE SOLAR SYSTEM: Uses a brilliant principle that dates back to an Italian manuscript of about five hundred years ago, even if the Americans believe they invented it in the last century. It can be made with any number of cards, as long as they are arranged in an order that can be traced back to an order that is somehow numerical; in this publication, a solution with 9 cards is proposed, on which the names of the planets of the Solar System are written, numbering as 1 the closest to the sun and 9 the furthest away, but it is possible to use any type of numbering. It can be immediately replicated, identical or by adding, for example, tickets or numbers: in this way, even an expert eye - if it does not know the principle - cannot imagine its operation.

    PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY: The premise of the game is an effective memory exercise technique; I always have the pleasure of mentioning my Master, Valerio Bovolenta who, the first time he showed it to me, remembered a list of 50 words using this technique; for those who have never attended these performances, I must admit that the amazing thing is that the performer can be "questioned" at random: you can ask him what is there at number 4 or number 32, and then ask him for the hammer what position does it occupy, and so on. Awesome. But the effect that I am presenting to you has nothing to do with the technique, which is only a pretext for the introductory chat. The mathematical principle is extremely simple and a good presentation can make the final revelation "magical".

    WOMEN ALWAYS KNOW: I find this Ramon Rioboo effect of absolute beauty: I have done nothing but adapt it and dress it with a story that I liked.

    POWERBALL NUMBERS: Juan Tamariz is an exceptional figure; I have witnessed some of his prodigies I must admit that it is pure magic. Many years ago I bought his Verbal Magic, and now and then I let myself be taken by those series of instructions that seem to have been made on purpose to create chaos (Tamariz's words) but which in the end give birth to the "real miracle".

    1st edition 2021, PDF 22 pages.
    word count: 3711 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text

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