Michael Six Muldoon - System 6 Magic The Changes

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    System 6 Magic is back with Michael "Six" Muldoon the creator of the best selling dvd "6 by Six" and a new upcoming artist Brandon Williams. 

    The Changes are two unique and highly visual color changes that you can perform with ANY deck of cards. Shot in HD, you get an in depth look at both of the changes and their applications. Michael Six Muldoon and Brandon Williams walk you through every thing you need and share thoughts and ideas with each of the moves, plus multiple routines. 

    In a world of one trick DVDs this 90 minute DVD gives you true value with 2 color changes and 8 routines. 


    Michael "Six" Muldoon

    Two Ton Triumph Two:
     Michael's triumph off "6 by Six" combined with Shake N' Bake, plus some added touches make this one killer effect! If you loved Two Ton Triumph, wait to you see this one! 

    All Backs: Michael's take on the classic all backs routine with some incredibly visual moments, letting the spectators ACTUALLY watch the card turn over. 

    Shocked 2.0: When Michael was 17 his first effect (Shocked) was printed in Magic Magazine..Now he is back with an updated version, making the effect stronger then ever! Imagine turning an entire deck into a selected card, after they have seen the faces! Just so you know how good this is, it was named after Paul Harris saw the original and said "Wow, you shocked me." 

    The Reversal: From a borrowed shuffled deck, cause cards to turn over magically right before their eyes and then YOU can cause the ENTIRE deck reverse itself! 

    Bonus Routine

    Transpo #6:
     A direct and visual two card transposition..A card visually changes places with a card placed in the magicians pocket.

    Brandon Williams 

    The Tear Routine:
     This is a KILLER routine. A selected card is torn in half, then restored HALF WAY, then FULLY RESTORED! The card can even be handed out during each of the phases and kept at the end! 

    The Torn Transpo: Watch this on the trailer! Cause a card AND THE TEAR to change places! It almost looks like you can see the cards transpose as if they shot across. Visual magic at its best! 

    YES/NO: Devonte Rosero from the hit Juxtaposition makes a special appearance to share his routine with the Tear Change! A card is selected and the magician finds the wrong card, to learn from his mistake he puts a big "NO" on the back and gives it to the spectator. Then he takes the correct card out and puts a "YES" on the back, as he TEARS the card in half the YES changes to a NO, not only that but now it is the card the spectator was holding! The spectators card now says YES and it is his card!

    The Torn Prediction: Turn a mistake into a miracle. After writing a prediction on the back of the card, which turns out to wrong. The card is torn in half and tossed onto the table. With a little magic, the text corrects itself, and so does the selection!


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