Mental Mysteries with Cards Edited by William Larsen Sr.

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    Mental Mysteries with Cards Edited by William Larsen Sr.

    Over 20 terrific mental mysteries with cards by 11 contributors. First published in the early 1940s by Chicago magic publisher, NELMAR. Newly re-compiled and re-typeset. 42 big pages.

    MIND MIRROR by Jack McMillen.
    Any person selects a card in the deck. Performer can be out of room. With a crystal (or what have you). Performer reveals name of card, or even its position. No sleights. Sheer subtlety of this is a SUPREME idea for Thought-Readers.

    TATTLE-TALE CARD by Gerald Kosky.
    Spectator selects a card and finds it himself. A novelty idea which with its simplicity baffles the best "brains."

    PSYCHIC TAPPING by Haskell.
    Six cards thoroughly shuffled. Party selects one and places in performer's hand, behind his back, all six cards. Again mixed. Cards laid face down. Tapping on each card, whenever spectator says stop, it is his mentally chosen card.

    WITH CONGRESS CARDS by Chas. W. Fricke.
    How the performer is able to divine some of the cards, one at a time off the deck, after spectator positively shuffled is a secret you should and must have now.

    NTH SENSE by Jack McMillen.
    While being held behind his back, performer is calling off cards after spectator gives it a shuffle. Indetectable.

    Spectator selects card while performer is in corner or absent. Later, performer writes on a slate, correct card. Never fails. Creates sensational thrill for you, the ambitious mentalist.

    ASTRAL VISION by Jack McMillen.
    Spectator selects any card. Entertainer places deck in case. Then calls position of card in the pack, even names the card. A new principle. Can always be swiftly executed.

    DEAL DETECTION by Judson Brown.
    Spectator shuffles deck, selects a card. Performer comes back into room, or from a corner, and calls aloud the card.

    LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON by Judson Brown.
    You do as I do effect (COINCIDENCE) with two packs. Different method. Fascinating presentation with patter.

    Using eight cards, magician at a certain time, names the previous mentally selected card. Excellent table demonstrator.

    MENTAL CONTROL by Vernon Cook.
    The spectator derives one long smile from this feature. What occurs to selected card is charming, yet, intriguing.

    CARD TELEPATHY by Capt. Chas. C. Howard.
    Any card chosen by audience is quickly named by performer, who is, and remains in another room, on at any distance.

    Need we mention the principles, and dynamic entertainment encased in this series? Instruction on mindreading with cards and several masterpieces, is equal to, (or probably better than) any high-priced exclusive manuscript.


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