Lonnie Dilan - The Thing We Do

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    Lonnie Dilan - The Thing We Do  


    Alchemy - A card is selected from the deck by a spectator and then shown to the audience. The card is then returned to the deck and the deck is placed onto the table. The magician then asks the spectator if he/she would be amazed if he was able to locate and turn the spectators card in the short amount of time that the magician held the deck in his hands. Remember all that happend was the spectator selected a card and returned it to the deck. The spectator says yes he/she would be amazed. The magician then spreads the deck on the table to show that one card is reversed in the spread. The magician pulls the card out of the spread and proudly shows it around, but the spectator tells the magician that it's not his/her card. The magician puts the card down...looks at the spectator and asks what his/her card is but right before the spectator says what his/her card is the magician cuts him off and decides to locate the spectators card using a little bit of magic. The magician squares the deck and then fans half of it in his left hand, then he grabs the card and places it into the facedown fan in the left hand and then fans the other half of the deck in the 
    right hand. Now the magician rubs the right hand fan over the card causing it to change into the spectators selected card.


    Bionic - A card is selected and returned to the deck. The magician cuts the deck causing half of the deck to flip in the air and land in your left hand. And then the spectator realizes that his card is being held by the finger tips of your right hand. And the clean part is that they never see how you got the card there. It just looks like the card jumps to the fingertips.


    Fusion - This is a cool quick little false cut that keeps the entire deck in order. But the people see three packets shifting around. 
    Bionic Production - We are basically using Bionic to produce 4 cards or 3 selected cards or however many 
    cards you want to produce. So get familiar with Bionic before you try doing this.
    Whiplash - Two cards are selected and then returned to the deck. After a few shuffles the magician turns over the card on top of the deck to show that it is one of the selected cards. This card is then placed underneath the card box. The magician then shuffles the deck again and then while cutting the deck he causes the card to flip out of the deck and be caught by his other hand (Yes you have to perform a one handed cut). The card is held with it's back toward the 2 spectators and the magician calls out the name of the card to the person who selected it. The magician snaps his fingers causing the card pinned under 
    the box and the card in his hand to change places.


    Lonnie Dilan The Thing We Do

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