LOCI by Simon Caine

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    LOCI by Simon Caine
    A 3 phase shuffled deck memory routine

    Phase 1: After a series of fair shuffles, a deck is spread and committed to memory by the performer. A spectator removes one card from the deck and places it in a different part of the spread. The performer correctly identifies both the selected card and the position it was moved from. This can be repeated several times.
    Phase 2: The spectator chooses any suit, and without looking, the performer is able to call out the correct order of cards from the shuffled suit as the deck dealt out.

    Phase 3: With the deck remaining in the spectators hands, they name any number and the performer is able to name the card located at that number.

    [Note: This routine does require the use of two faro shuffles, one with a half deck, a second with a full deck.]

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