Jon Armstrong Masterclass Live week 2

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    Jon Armstrong Masterclass Live week 2

    Session 2 – January 14, 2023 (4pm ET | NYC Time)
    Week two dives into five ways you can change how you approach your show so that you make a unique, one-of-a-kind impact on every audience.

    Unite | Uno Voodoo
    This fun and engaging effect about the world of high-stakes UNO cheating is the perfect effect for audiences of any age (something that cruise ship magicians always need to worry about). It’s a fully-scripted cards across routine that is as fun to perform as it is to watch.

    Engage | Engagement Ideas
    In this session, Jon will show you how to take some stand-up classics and make them more engaging and memorable.

    Impress “ Through Line (First Time Being Published)
    How can we make our shows more impressive on multiple levels? In this session, Jon will share a multi-part routine that serves as an easy structure to help turn a bunch of unique routines into a real show.

    Train | Cup Ball and Shot Glass (First Time Being Published)
    Teaching the audience to respond the way you want them to will make getting the reactions you desire much easier. To illustrate this concept, Jon will share an odd routine with a classic magic prop.

    Respect | Paper Ball
    Discover how respecting an audience’s time, intelligence, and individuality is crucial for a memorable show. Jon will share the closer he uses to get people on their feet and make them eager to see him again.

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