JE4 - Jheff Elegant 4th Dimensional Telepathy

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    JE4 - Jheff Elegant 4th Dimensional Telepathy


    JE4 - Jheff Elegant 4th Dimensional Telepathy

    Hi James, I really like your idea with 4DT! The way you get ahead, the idea of getting a Bank Nite, effect out of this makes the whole thing very efficient. You've achieved minimum handling and maximum effect with your routine which is definitely my type of mentalism. Congratulations! Very well done! I will certainly try out your routine!!! Marc Paul UK Mentalist


    Includes two Routines


    You are always in the open, you never go to your pockets at all at any time. No opening envelopes at anytime. A very clean presentation.


    One volunteer thinks of a name, writes it on a card, and seals it in an envelope. A second volunteer's dollar bill is sealed in an envelope. A third spectator is handed a card and asked to draw a picture. This picture is also sealed in an envelope. An audience member now collects the envelopes, joins you on stage, and keeps hold of the envelopes...NOTE: you never touch the envelopes at any time! 


    The audience member on stage; now destroys two of the envelopes, by either burning them, or shredding them. The last remaining envelope is opened and inside is the dollar bill. You now define the serial number of the bill. How cool it that! But wait...there's more!


    You are now on stage with nothing...the envelopes have been destroyed and you now go into revealing the information from the other 2 spectators!

    Yes...this is that good!

    JE4 Jheff Elegant 4th Dimensional Telepathy


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