Intermediate and Advanced Coin Technique By Michael Rubinstein
Michael Rubinstein is a student of coin magic and after reading this book, you’ll admit he is a darned clever guy! In this book he describes numerous technically unique moves as well as 30 deceptive tricks. The book is a top quality publication which includes tricks such as: Visual Coin Changes, Okito Box Tricks, Stand up Coin Tricks, Sit Down Coin Tricks, Copper-Silver Tricks, Two Silver-One Copper Coin Transposition, and many more!
1. The back finger clip -technique for clipping a coin between the first two fingers.
2. Changeover to Angle Palm (also known as Drobina palm, Chanin grip, Mishell palm, Lamont grip). The back clip and changeover techniques were new, but more angly than the Rosenthal or Tenkai pinch. Good for one on one, or one on two. There is a lot of this stuff in the book.
3. Multi coin vanish - evolved to the Bronx take, on my DVD - it's like a multi coin french drop without noise, with the coins going into angle palm.
4. Miracle one hand coin vanish - goes from the clip to angle palm. I still do it, and it is great. It doesn't read well, but I'll burn you on it every time.
5. Back Clip French drop - good if you like french drop stuff. I don't anymore.
6. Incredible change of color- the above as a color change, with a nice cleanup that makes the move.
7. Rubinstein vanish - not visual enough
8. Rubinstein coin load - loads a coin into your hand as you open it. its a style type of move.
9. Reverse heel clip load - as described
10. Large coin vanish - good on one to one
11. Large coin vanish at a table - sucks
12 - coin load and steal from a card -good ideas for matrix stuff.
13. The Rubinstein one hand coin switch - good, but too much work. You can get the same result working easier.
Chapter two - Asorted Coin effects
1. Commuting Coins routine - a gaddabout coins routine with a variation that two coins, dropped visibly into your pocket, arrive back in the hand audibly, one at a time
2. Arithmatic coins routine - I liked this one, but it was very basic - I updated the handling on my DVD
3. Three coins to Okito. - A VERY basic coins to box routine. I updated this and added sound to my routine on my DVD.
4. The Diminishing coin routine - sucks big time. I should have been shot for even thinking about putting this into the book.
5. Step by step coin creation. - a good idea, can be modified for a nice coin change
Chapter 3 - C/S effects
1. Visual coin changes, three methods. The first two suck, the third was independently created by Roth and others
2. Routine incorporating the three changes - sucks
3. Sucker c/s routine - this is good. The sitdown version (this one) is on my basic applications tape in the West German series, and the standup version is on the DVD (not explained). It is explained on my lecture tape and the West German advanced application tape.
4. c/s transpo under cards. The idea is good, but not as a stand alone. It uses a load later taught by others with no credit to me. Marlo had a similar type of move, developed on his own
5.Two effects in one - copper and silver switch places, then turn into Chinese coins. The idea was newish at the time. It's not great, uses lapping
6. Trick coin routine - a double face coin is split into a copper and silver coin. Good idea, better method can be worked out.
Chapter 4 - More coin effects
1. Key to coin -I don't think it's a good effect, but it works
2. second method - sucks
3. Dime to half dollar - it's a quickie, but it works well. Should have a retention pass at the end instead of what's written. Uses the clipping stuff from earlier in the book
4. Stand up three coin routine - it's a flurry, before flurry became popular. I always wanted to go back to this and put in better sleights. Look for it in my newest batch of stuff (and don't ask me when that will come out!)
Chapter 5 -more c/s
1. penny silver coin transposition. A half and penny change places, and as a kicker the penny becomes an American penny. Good idea, could use a better method
2. c/s across - three methods - ideas to incorporate into larger effects.
3. Miracle Metamorphosis routine - the c and s coins change places, then the colors only change places. Good idea, but needs a better method.
4. Two silver, one copper- three methods - I fried Paviato back in Italy with the first method. I also fried prociutto and mozarella, and couldn't clean the pan for a week, but that's another story.
5. Coin transposition with one card, two methods - good ideas for matrix stuff. One uses a new idea, that Tom Gagnon also came up with independently.
6. Sub trunk mystery - good idea, I have three versions. This was the first.
7. Multi coin lapping made easy - also used independently by Roth and others
8. Large coin to Okito lid, nice ending
9. International coin flight - this predated the international reverse matrix in Encore Three, but it's not really a matrix - 3 different coins are covered by playing cards. They vanish one at a time, appearing in the hand. They go from the hand to under one card, then back to under the original three cards. It has some interesting ideas.