Docc Hilford Wizard's Manual (Video+PDF)

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     What do these famous performers have in common?

    Cris Angel - The Amazing Kreskin - Jon Stetson - Keith Barry - David Blain - Tim Conover - Larry Becker - Banachek - Ted Lesley

    All have performed The Wizard's Manual on television!

    Do you want the trick that nearly every major mentalist in this century has used in his show?

    It's so strong, most performers use it to close. They may add The Wizard's Manual to their show, but soon it moves nearer and nearer the end, until it's the closer - because it can't be followed!

    It's been endorsed by professionals around the world, yet still remains a hidden secret from the public. I've tried to keep the performances off the internet, so lay people can't find it.

    The effect is straight forward. A subject is given a sealed envelope. She looks through a novel and reads and remembers a few lines on a selected page. She keeps the page numbers in mind. The subject holds the book herself and never let's go of it.

    The mentalist uses apparent psychic powers to reveal the words thought of by the subject.

    That sounds like most book tests. So what's the difference?

    The mentalist explains that she didn't look at a page, but rather he put the thought in her mind. She opens the book and the page she selected has been torn out!

    She searches through the book, but nothing gives a clue to how the page was never there!

    In the envelope is the actual torn page from the book.

    Nothing is ever added or removed from the book.

    No sticky stuff or misprinted page numbers.

    This is completely self contained.

    I won't go through the list of what it is and isn't.

    I'll just say I close my stage show with this stunning trick to a standing ovation six nights a week! That's no exaggeration!

    There are hundreds of presentation variations. Time travel, psychokeniesis, hypnosis, mind reading, out of body experience, mental influence, witchcraft, bizarre.

    The Wizard's Manual Complete and self contained  ...$129 + shipping

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