Docc Hilford - Tempest

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    Docc Hilford - Tempest by Docc Hilford

    Q&A up close and surrounded.

    An IMPROMPTU or WALK AROUND miracle.


    A subject writes a brief question on a SINGLE piece of paper and folds it.

    The question is hidden under any one of three coffee cups.

    Although the subject secretly mixes the cups, the mentalist psychically knows where the billet is hidden,

    then immediately answers the question.

    Everything may be examined before and after the demonstration.

    Nothing other than the items seen, paper, pen and three cups are employed.

    It’s impromptu.


    The most difficult part of a question reading effect is, in fact, secretly reading the question.

    Performing up close or while walking around, makes a question answering effect next to impossible.

    The TEMPEST makes it possible.

    There’s a lot of theater in this quick performance.


    The TEMPEST combines an Under Which Cup demonstration with a Question Answer effect

    Unlike other Under Which Cup tricks, the subject




    Yet, the mentalist knows the correct cup automatically.

    The subject is free to hide the question under ANY cup.

    She mixes the cups herself.

    The mentalist doesn’t give complex instructions, just, “Hide it anywhere. Move a couple cups around”.

    That’s it.

    And the subject doesn’t have to say anything.

    There’s none of the standard, “I switched number one and number three,” or “I switched the end cups”.

    She just hides the billet, mixes a couple of cups around and done.


    The psychic detection of the hidden billet makes theatrical sense because, The Goddess of Fate must indicate whether the time is favorable for your answer”.

    If She reveals the hiding place of the question, She’s ready to answer the subject.


    This is FULL THEATER on a close up table stage.

    It builds desire in the audience.

    There’s actually something at stake in this opening, a missing factor of most Under Which Cup, Which Hand or Which Envelope effects.

    If the hiding place is NOT revealed, there’ll be no answer given.

    The success of the opening effect leads the audience to anticipating the answer to the question.

    That’s a lot of theater in a little package.


    The billet work in The TEMPEST is classic.

    The handling is…

      • SIMPLE
      • DIRECT
      • EASY TO DO
    1. The subject is handed a billet.
    2. She writes a question on it and folds it.
    3. She hides it under any cup.

    At that point, the mentalist already knows

    (1) which cup hides the billet and


    And it’s all done

    • UP CLOSE

    And here’s the best part…

    The question is answered while the subject HOLDS THE FOLDED BILLET IN HER FIST!

    Yes, after the billet is revealed by The Goddess of Fate, the subject takes the folded billet out of the cup HERSELF!

    After the answer is given, the subject can keep the folded billet.

    You never have to touch it again.

    Check out these FEATURES:

    • No special billets
    • No special folds
    • No cuts or windows
    • Everything can be examined
    • No special cups, paper or pen
    • No impressions
    • No mirrors
    • No secret devices
    • Can be done standing
    • No lap reading
    • Can be performed impromptu
    • No fake reading of any other billets
    • Mentalist never appears to read ANYTHING
    • No secret helpers, stooges or confederates
    • 100% classic analog – so it’s ALWAYS RELIABLE


    You’ll learn some ways to handle the writing of the question that makes it appear that you’re given psychic information that wasn’t written.

    This isn’t the secret additional information on the billet ploy.

    It’s the opposite.

    In fact, only two or three words are put on the billet.

    However, your psychic answer is complex and thorough.

    If you ever wanted to do Q&A up close, one-on-one, The TEMPEST is for you.Original release date 2013

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